Know your heart know your health anytime anywhere., such as chest pain, palpitations, and shortness of breath are transient and may be difficult to record during a regular exam in a doctor's office. The stored data can be used as a reference for clinical ECG examination. Regular and frequent measurements of the heart's health condition will help you and your doctor to recognize risk factors in early stage and act accordingly. Personal EKG Monitor MD100E is designed for home monitoring and can be used by anyone, especially those who may suffer from cardiovascular disease. Home cardiac monitors are essential for assessing and improving your heart conditions. It takes less than a minute to take and record a reading. The personal ECG Monitor Observer MD100E is compact, light, and easy to use.

Home ECG Monitor MD100E is for taking one's electrocardiogram anytime anywhere: at home or office. That is, when you have already been diagnosed with afib and know that you are susceptible to it, AfibAlert allows you to check for afib at any time, whether you are just doing routine checks for it or sense that you might be having it when feeling palpitations, a racing heart, or other symptoms such as light-headedness.ĪfibAlert is very easy to use and works for anyone at any level of knowledge about ECG, whether you know or care nothing about the intricacies of reading ECGs, know a little or a lot about it, or are a cardiologist or other physician who has patients with it or perhaps even have afib yourself. Instead, the AfibAlert is for monitoring the condition on an ongoing basis and identifying any sustained episodes of it. It is not intended for diagnosing afib per se, only a physician can do that. The AfibAlert is a handheld ECG device designed specifically for atrial fibrillation. It is one of the conditions that got me deeper into the subject of ECG. I have it myself occasionally to frequently. (in alphabetical order) AfibAlert UPDATES: device added to webpage Atrial fibrillation, afib, or AF, is one of the most common heart irregularities or arrhythmias.